Active-TV Technology for iPhone and iPod touch

Active-TV Technology for iPhone and iPod touch
Navigate YouTube

Navigate YouTube available at iTunes App Sore

An easy to use iPhone and iPod touch App that enables both new and advanced YouTube users to get the best from YouTube.

Browse video Standard Feeds, Categories, Channels and Playlists. Then organize new videos into your own favorites and playlists. Make playlists private or public. Subscribe to other user's playlists and video collections for future viewing. Subscribe to videos matching search-words.

Look at publicly viewable favorite videos, playlists and subscriptions based on your YouTube friends, family and contacts. Send and receive video links with YouTube contacts via YouTube video messages.

Search for new videos tagged for your language or geographical region, using local keyboard. Explore for new videos via easy switching of user ID to the owner of interesting videos - then explore their world.

All actions are kept in sync with PC, Mac or Apple-TV access to YouTube. Available at Apple App Store.

active-TV technology for PC

active-TV technology for PC
Windows PC based home network

Thursday, March 23, 2006

TV advertising set for massive slump

Active-TV ecosystem developers,

The shift in TV advertising due to the increasing availability of the Digital Video Record (DVR), is a growing topic of concern for advertisers. The Extended-PC and Extended-Notebook’s role in support of new forms of advertising is important. This is the reasoning behind the development of overlay media applications, synchronised to IP or broadcast content. The PC’s overlay media application carries the advertising material. It is also the “push red” entry into interactive TV and promotional IP-TV channels.

Many of the technologies used in 2’ advertising, supported by the PC browser, are likely to make their way to the 10 location via Extended-Notebook browser projection. The Extended-PC with active-TV technology is positioned to support the transition to new forms of advertising. Ecosystems supporting this are likely to have greater access to content paid for via advertising revenue. They may also cost less due to advertising and brand promotion subsidies.

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